Friday, July 19, 2019

Repair work on the dune walkovers on St. George Island was completed this week

Repair work on the dune walkovers on St. George Island was completed this week.

County Parks are recreation director Fonda Davis told county commissioners that the temporary repairs to the walkovers on the west end of the island were completed on Monday and the work on the eastern end was finished on Tuesday.

The work includes leveling the walkovers and putting stairs at the end of each one.

The county employed the Conservation Corps of the Forgotten Coast to do temporary repairs on 7 dune walkovers on the island which were damaged by Hurricane Michael.

County workers rebuilt the walkovers after the storm, but they were rebuilt to the same specifications as they were before the storm because the county didn't have the needed state permits to build them differently .

The problem is the storm reconfigured the profile of the beach so the rebuilt walkovers are steeper than they were before the storm.

That led to some accidents and injuries.

The temporary repairs will allow people to access the beach through sea turtle nesting season at which point the county will do permanent repairs.

The temporary fix means the walkovers are not handicapped accessible at this time.

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