Wednesday, July 10, 2019

St. Vincent National Wildlife Refuge has had quite a few turtle nests this year

 St. Vincent National Wildlife Refuge has had quite a few turtle nests this year.

As of July the 4th 54 loggerhead sea turtles have nested on the island as have 3 of the more rare green sea turtles.

You can help protect Sea turtle nests on the island by joining the Supporters of St. Vincent National Wildlife Reserve “adopt a sea turtle nest” program.

For $25 you can “adopt” a sea turtle nest on St. Vincent Island which gets you an “adoption certificate”, a photo of the nest, and a complete activity report at the end of the nesting season.

You also get to name a “mama” turtle and all donors are also recognized in the Supporter’s newsletter.

The $25 donation helps pay for the cost of the wire cages, supplies, and fuel for the patrol vehicles which go out several times a week to look for new turtle nests.

If you have an interest in adopting a sea turtle nest this season, you can visit the website or e-mail the Supporters of St. Vincent National Wildlife Reserve at

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