Friday, September 6, 2019

The Franklin County Sheriff's Office is seeking funding to buy three new patrol cars equipped with dash cams

The Franklin County Sheriff's Office is seeking funding to buy three new patrol cars equipped with dash cams.

On Tuesday the sheriff's office was given county approval to apply for a USDA grant that would cover more than half of the costs of the vehicles.

The sheriff's department said the vehicles are needed and they definitely want to get the dash cams installed.

The three 2018 Chevy Sliverados along with Axon 2 Fleet in car cameras will cost just over 112 thousand dollars.

The grant will pay for 55 percent of the cost of the vehicles, the rest, which is about 50 thousand dollars, will come from the sheriff's department budget.

Sheriff AJ Smith said he has the money in his budget so the county will not have to put out any additional funds.

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