Monday, February 24, 2020

Franklin County is delaying the date bids are due for the construction of a new office at the road camp on Highway 65

Franklin County is delaying the date bids are due for the construction of a new office at the road camp on Highway 65.

The office the department currently uses was originally built as a house about 80 years ago and the department really needs to replace it.

The plans are for a new 2280 square foot building that will provide office space for the road department as well as mosquito control which currently operates out of an old 12 by 12 building at the road camp.

The county held the pre-construction meeting for the new Road Department administrative building this month where changes were requested to the bid specifications.

In order to do that the county has agreed to postpone the deadline for bid submissions to Monday, April 6th at 4:00 p.m.

The construction plans are available at the Franklin County clerk of the courts office at the Franklin County Courthouse.

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