Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Franklin County County commission and the Humane Society have reached an agreement over access to the Franklin County gun range

The Franklin County County commission and the Humane Society have reached an agreement over access to the Franklin County gun range.

The gun range entrance runs across Humane Society property that was donated to them by Franklin County in 1988.

The Humane Society closed the only access road last September – the road has since been reopened.

The Humane Society says the noise from the gun range negatively affects the animals at the shelter.

Because of that, the Franklin County Commission voted to withhold over 36 thousand dollars in county funding to the Humane Society until the issue could be cleared up.

Last week County Attorney Michael Shuler reported that an agreement has been reached which basically says the Humane Society will not close the road again, though they hold their right to take the issue to court if needed.

It's hoped that at some point the county will find a better location for the gun range.

The commission approved the agreement, but the county attorney is still waiting approval from the Humane Society.

Once the Humane Society has signed off, the group will be able to receive its county funding again.

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