Thursday, August 6, 2020

NOAA Fisheries FishNews – August 6, 2020

Fish News - NOAA Fisheries
AUGUST 6, 2020
eat sefood

6 Reasons to Eat Seafood, America!

Did you know the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends you eat at least two servings of seafood a week? That's one reason to add more sustainable seafood to your menu, but we've got six more! Learn about how eating U.S. seafood can help you, help the economy, and help the planet.


Nearly $1 Million in NOAA Funding Recommended for Ruth Gates Coral Restoration Innovation Grants Projects

ruth funding
To support our efforts to restore resilient coral ecosystems, NOAA is recommending nearly $1 million in funding for four projects through the Ruth Gates Coral Restoration Innovation Grants opportunity. The funded projects aim to enhance coral resilience and improve the long-term success and efficiency of shallow-water coral reef restoration in a changing climate.

FY 2020 John H. Prescott Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance Grants Announced

marine mammal rescue
For the FY 2020 grant cycle, NOAA Fisheries is awarding 43 grants totaling almost $4 million to our partners in the Marine Mammal Stranding Network in 19 states and one tribe. These grants support a core mission of NOAA Fisheries: the conservation and recovery of protected marine species. They help to improve our national marine mammal stranding response capabilities and the goals of the Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program.

NOAA Fisheries Identifies National-Level Observer Waiver Criteria; Will Begin Redeployment in Northeast

observer waiver
Providing seafood to the country remains an essential function even in these extraordinary times, and adequately monitoring U.S. fisheries remains a critical part of that process. To improve transparency in our approach to observer deployment, we have established national-level criteria for vessels to be waived from observer or at-sea monitor coverage.

Federal Task Force Proposals Set Stage for New Seafood Trade Strategy

task force
A new federal task force has submitted recommendations that will be the basis for a strategy to help level the playing field for the U.S. seafood exporters and importers when doing business with other countries. 

West Coast

NOAA Fisheries Cancels Three West Coast Surveys for 2020

west coast survey
Due to the uncertainties created by the COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing challenges for NOAA Fisheries, we are cancelling three research surveys off the West Coast of the United States. These are difficult decisions for the agency as we strive to meet our core mission responsibilities while balancing the realities and impacts of the current health crisis.

Pacific Islands

Collaborating on Coral Restoration in the Pacific Islands

coral restoration
Last year, NOAA and The Nature Conservancy embarked on a multiyear partnership to support the collaborative development of targeted coral restoration plans for the four Pacific Island jurisdictions of Hawai’i, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas. NOAA recently awarded a second year of funding to The Nature Conservancy to continue this important work.

Illustrating the Need for Essential Fish Habitat

fish habitat
Throughout all phases of their lives, fish and invertebrates depend on healthy habitat to thrive. NOAA Fisheries recently developed an innovative scientific illustration that shows how various habitat features support different life stages of a fish—uku, or grey snapper , in this example.

NOAA and Partners Seek to Make Reefs Resilient With Super Corals

super corals
Thanks to a partnership between NOAA, the Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology, and others, specific reefs in Hawai‘i are receiving batches of coral colonies that were rehabilitated in a nursery. But these transplants aren’t your average corals.

NOAA Fisheries Cancels Remaining Hawaiian Islands Surveys for 2020

Hawaiian survey
Due to the uncertainties created by the COVID-19 pandemic and the unique challenges those are creating for NOAA Fisheries, we are cancelling the remaining three research surveys in the Hawaiian Islands. Since March, we have been rigorously analyzing various options for conducting surveys this year and are taking a survey-by-survey, risk-based approach.


NOAA Scientist Saves Entangled Sea Turtle

sea turtle
NOAA biologist Dr. Jennifer Leo is trained and experienced with rescuing marine life. Thanks to her and her family's actions, this turtle has a fighting chance. Update: Twitch the turtle goes home.

NOAA Fisheries Cancels Four Fisheries and Ecosystem Surveys for 2020

midatlantic survey
Due to the uncertainties created by the COVID-19 pandemic and the unique challenges those are creating for NOAA Fisheries, we are cancelling four research surveys off the East and Gulf Coast of the United States. These cancellations follow similar difficult cancellation decisions of the ship-based work we had planned from April to July. NOAA Fisheries is continuing to assess the status of other surveys in all our regions.

Greater Atlantic

Humpback Whale Disentangled Off New York Thanks to a Team Effort

whale entanglement
On July 27 NOAA Fisheries was notified by the U.S Coast Guard of a distressed humpback whale in the Ambrose Channel of New York. The team successfully disentangled the whale on July 30, ending a multi-day response.

Meet the Summer Interns of the Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office

summer interns
This summer GARFO was lucky enough to work with five outstanding students. Everyone learned a lot as they navigated through conversations over computers instead of over in-person coffee. Here’s a little bit about each one of the interns and how they spent their virtual time.

Internships Reimagined—Going Virtual in 2020

interns reimagined
When mentors at the Northeast Fisheries Science Center realized that lab facilities would be closed over the summer, they got creative. Using virtual meetings and cloud-based platforms, mentors and their students have been connecting and working on research that supports NOAA Fisheries’ mission. These students are gaining real-world research experience and overcoming challenges in a shifting landscape.

NOAA Fisheries Cancels Four Fisheries and Ecosystem Surveys for 2020

midatlantic survey
Due to the uncertainties created by the COVID-19 pandemic and the unique challenges those are creating for NOAA Fisheries, we are cancelling four research surveys off the East and Gulf Coast of the United States. These cancellations follow similar difficult cancellation decisions of the ship-based work we had planned from April to July. NOAA Fisheries is continuing to assess the status of other surveys in all our regions.

Federal Register Actions

Visit NOAA Fisheries' Rules & Regulations web page to learn more about recently proposed and finalized regulations in your region. 
Corrections or technical questions should be sent to the FishNews Editor at

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