Tuesday, March 2, 2021

The Florida Forest Service is urging property owners around Northwest Florida to take steps to prevent and prepare for wildfires

 The Florida Forest Service is urging property owners around Northwest Florida to take steps to prevent and prepare for wildfires.

Hurricane Michael in 2018 downed more than 2.8 million trees and many of thise remain on the ground, ready to burn and posing a threat to life, homes and communities.

Humans are the leading cause of wildfires in the state.

In 2020, the Florida Forest Service responded to a total of 1,970 wildfires that burned over 44,150 acres.

Of those, 254 wildfires were in counties impacted by Hurricane Michael and burned more than 3,100 acres.


The Forest Service has launched a wildfire education initiative called the “Be Wildfire Ready” campaign to increase the public’s awareness of the dangers of wildfires and what they can do to protect their homes and property.


You can go to www.BeWildfireReadyFL.com to view tools and tips for how to safely burn yard waste, create defensible space around your home, prepare an emergency supply kit and more.

Local Florida Forest Service officials also plan to host virtual events, offering residents and communities opportunities to receive more information on wildfire prevention and preparation.


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