Thursday, August 22, 2024

NOAA Fisheries FishNews—August 22nd

FishNews masthead

AUGUST 22, 2024


Twenty-Seven New Projects Will Advance Habitat Restoration and Climate Resilience Priorities of Tribes and Underserved Communities

A volunteer in a dark blue long sleeve shirt and backwards baseball hat holding up marsh grass. Several other volunteers appear in the background

We’re recommending funding for 27 new projects that will support community-driven habitat restoration and build the capacity of tribes and underserved communities to more fully participate in restoration and coastal resilience activities.

Podcast: Sharing a Love of Teaching (and Oysters)

Roy Arezzo stands on a dock wearing a life jacket next to several boats.

Celebrate back-to-school season with our latest episode of Dive In with NOAA Fisheries. Hear from Teacher at Sea Alumni Roy Arezzo, who is returning as a Teacher at Sea Alumni Association NOAA Fellow for the 2024–2025 season.


18 Years of Eastern North Pacific Right Whale Sightings Shed Light on Important Habitats and Movements

A male Eastern North Pacific right whale with its head just above the water's surface on a gloomy day

Meet the mysterious eastern North Pacific right whale. They once numbered in the tens of thousands; today they are estimated at fewer than 50. A new study details all sightings since 2006 to fill key knowledge gaps for this endangered whale population.

New Deputy Director for Alaska Fisheries Science Center Survey Division

Dr. Alix LaFerriere wears warm fishing gear aboard a boat. She is smiling at the camera holding up a crab

We’re thrilled to welcome Dr. Alix LaFerriere as the new deputy director for the Alaska Fisheries Science Center’s Resource Assessment and Conservation Engineering Program. In this role, Dr. LaFerriere will assist the division director in managing fiscal, personnel, facilities, and ship resources and in coordinating division research.

Snow Crab Collapse Due to Ecological Shift in the Bering Sea

Three snow crabs stacked on top of one another held up to the camera

NOAA Fisheries scientists attribute the abrupt collapse of snow crab in Alaska to borealization—an ecological shift from Arctic to sub-Arctic conditions—in the southeastern Bering Sea due to human-caused climate change.


Science Blog: Technology Helps Drive Sample Collection in Near Real-Time

A sunset over the ocean

Hear about life and research on the Coastal Pelagic Species Survey, where our scientists are using acoustics to locate the best sampling locations to trawl.

New England/Mid-Atlantic

Science Blog: Graduate Student Interns Aboard a Research Vessel 130 Miles Out at Sea

Abby Lucas in dark shorts, a light blue long-sleeve shirt, and a baseball hat holding a camera at the railing of a ship on a clear day with calm water

You never know where networking will take you. For Abby Lucas, it took her 130 miles out to sea! In this recent science blog, learn about her journey aboard the R/V Connecticut to conduct eDNA sampling with our Northeast Fisheries Science Center.

Upcoming Deadlines

August 31: Comments due on updated Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management Road Map 

September 17: Applications due for Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Programs Phase I

September 30: Proposals due for the 2025 Sea Scallop Research Set Aside

October 23: Comments due on proposed rule for 10 species of giant clams under the Endangered Species Act

October 30: Applications due for the John H. Prescott Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance Grant Program

October 31: Applications due for Species Recovery Grants to Tribes

November 4: Proposals due for Citizen Science for Improved Stock Assessments and Climate-Ready Fisheries Management

View more news and announcements

Upcoming Events

August 26: Public meeting prior to the 69th International Whaling Commission meeting

August 27: Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee Meeting

September 10–12: Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee Meeting September 2024 Meeting

September 16–20: South Atlantic Fishery Management Council September 2024 Meeting

September 18–24: Pacific Fishery Management Council September 2024 Meeting

September 21: Milford Lab Open House

September 21: 2024 Belugas Count! 

September 23–25: Western Pacific Fishery Management Council September 2024 Meeting

September 24–26: New England Fishery Management Council September 2024 Meeting

View more events

Federal Register Actions

Visit NOAA Fisheries' Rules & Regulations web page to learn more about recently proposed and finalized regulations in your region. 

Questions? Visit our website for national and regional contact information

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