Friday, August 23, 2024

UF/IFAS news for the week of Aug. 19: Olive oil's effect on cholesterol; Passion fruit recipes; Protecting citrus trees

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For the week beginning August 19, 2024



Did you know bats are vital to Florida's ecosystem? They naturally control pests, saving billions in crop damage and reducing mosquito-borne diseases. Bats also play a key role in pollinating tropical fruits like mangos and bananas. Celebrate International Bat Night the last full week of August and learn about these nocturnal creatures from AskIFAS or UF/IFAS experts blogs.

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As a staple of plant-based diets like the Mediterranean diet, olive oil has long been lauded for its ability to lower heart disease risk. A recently published University of Florida study, however, suggests other elements of that diet may play a greater role in achieving health benefits. 

Urban agriculture is gaining traction and shaping sustainable cities. Offering more than fresh produce—it's key to the ecosystem services we benefit from nature. A UF/IFAS study highlights South Florida's support of urban farming, recognizing its role in promoting food security, enhancing neighborhoods, and preserving nature's benefits for a healthier environment.


Retired UF Professor Emeritus George Hochmuth’s lessons continue to impact students worldwide. His Coursera course, Sustainable Agricultural Land Management, has over 45,000 enrollees. Drawing on 40 years of expertise, Hochmuth created a 19-hour course using materials from his Florida work, but applicable globally.

Passion fruit is a tropical treat that offers a plethora of nutritional benefits, and now is the peak time to enjoy this fruit. According to University of Florida horticultural sciences experts, this vibrant fruit is packed with vitamins and minerals, making it a powerhouse of nutrition. Learn more about this superfruit and take note of some of the UF/IFAS-inspired recipes.


You may have seen small trees in white shrouds on hills along the highways. They protect citrus trees from the Asian citrus psyllid and therefore, citrus greening diseaseNew University of Florida research shows the trees grown under the individual protective covers (IPCs) also grow well for a few years after growers remove the bags.

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Tenemos una variedad de publicaciones de UF/IFAS que ahora se traducen al español para darle un mejor servicio a nuestras comunidades de habla hispana. A continuación encontrarás nuestras publicaciones e infográficos más recientes.

La pitahaya, también conocida como pitaya o fruta del dragón, provee muchos beneficios para la salud. Científicos, profesores y agentes de UF/IFAS están investigando oportunidades para el crecimiento de la industria estadounidense.

From Around IFAS

News from across the UF/IFAS network.

New 2024 law alert: Florida requires permits for harvesting saw palmetto berries. Unlawfully handling saw palmetto berries is now a third-degree felony. This includes buying, selling, or possessing illegally harvested berries. Here is why and what is required.

The Florida Friendly Angler (FFA) is a free, narrated, online, short, do-at your-own-pace educational program that informs users about our state’s aquatic environments, best practices when fishing and the inner workings of fisheries management. The information taught in the FFA course is not only applicable to fishermen but anyone who is interacting with the marine environment. 


School is back in session. For some of us in the state, its already the second week of school. It is important to help your household get back on a regular schedule and into a normal sleep routine. Here are some tips to help set up your sound sleeping habits.


Best of the rest.

Alternative story formats created or supported by UF/IFAS Communications.

There is so much to explore in this educational coloring book by Jaret Daniels and Kristin Rossetti, with illustrations by Samm Wehman Epstein. Perfect for classrooms, outdoor activities or a relaxing pastime, take a deep dive into the monarch butterfly's life cycle, their seasonal migrations, the importance of milkweeds and other host plants, and steps to protect monarch populations.  

Video stories: Florida 4-H is for all

Learn why more than 200,000 youth are in Florida 4-H. Stacey Ellison, Florida 4-H Youth Development State Program Leader, provides insights on the Florida 4-H Youth Program. Providing camps and clubs year-round that build skills on a variety of areas from veterinary medicine to theatre arts, 4-H's impact serves as a training ground for tomorrow's workforce generation. For more information, visit


Each year, about 50 million people are affected by allergies. They can enter the body via ingestion, inhalation, injection or skin contact. Common symptoms include watery eyes, itching, coughing, congestion, hives, runny nose, fatigue, asthma attacks, and, in severe cases, death. Here’s what causes them and some tips to keep in mind.

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