Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Franklin County is changing the way it funds the local ambulance service, which should provide a break to taxpayers

Franklin County is changing the way it funds the local ambulance service, which should provide a break to taxpayers.

Currently, the ambulance service is funded through ad valorem taxes, which means that local property owners are covering the costs.

Under an agreement reached by Franklin County and the cities of Apalachicola and Carrabelle last week, that cost will now be covered by funds raised through the county’s one cent health care sales tax.

That tax that is paid by residents and visitors who buy anything in Franklin County.

The funding change did require the cities to amend the inter-local agreement between each City and the County in regards to the healthcare surtax, which both city commissions agreed to unanimously.

The change in funding will move nearly 765 thousand dollars annually from local tax bills, and should allow the Franklin County commission to lower this year’s millage rate.

The millage rate reduction will happen at the County’s final public budget hearing which will be held on September the 17th.


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