Monday, September 16, 2024

Nearly 32 thousand lionfish were removed from Florida waters during this year's lionfish challenge

Nearly 32 thousand lionfish were removed from Florida waters during this year's lionfish challenge.


The Challenge was held from June through September.


Lionfish are a nonnative, invasive species that threaten Florida’s native saltwater fish and wildlife.


They were introduced into Florida waters in the late 1980s but their population has boomed in recent years – and that is causing real problems for native species in Florida waters.


The Lionfish challenge was created to allow fishermen to remove as many lionfish from Florida waters as they can and to win prizes while doing it.


The Lionfish Challenge rewards harvesters with prizes for their lionfish removals.


This year 285 people submitted lionfish in the competition removing 31,773 lionfish.


There were no local people in the winner's circle this year.


The First place Lionfish King was Baye Beauford of Duval County, who removed 915 lionfish and the First place Commercial Champion was Matt Meyers, also of Duval County, who removed 1,785 pounds of the invasive fish.

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