Thursday, September 19, 2024

NOAA Fisheries FishNews—September 19th

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SEPTEMBER 19, 2024


James Binniker Named New Director of NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement

James Binniker poses in front of an American flag. Image is bordered on each side with a dark blue box

James Binniker has been selected as the new director of the NOAA Office of Law Enforcement. With nearly 30 years of experience in law enforcement, marine resource protection, and maritime security operations, James brings a wealth of expertise and leadership to NOAA's mission of safeguarding our nation's marine resources, places, and habitats and promoting sustainable fisheries management.

Scenario Planning for Climate-Informed Decision-Making

Close up image of an Atlantic salmon

We launched a new web page about our scenario planning efforts! Scenario planning is a structured process that helps us and other organizations consider risks and options in the face of a changing climate. It’s a valuable tool that helps us assess the ways that climate, oceans, and human activities might change—and what the best options may be to promote resilience and adaptation under those changing conditions.

Final Incidental Harassment Authorization for the Vineyard Wind Offshore Wind Project

We recently issued an incidental harassment authorization pursuant to the Marine Mammal Protection Act to Vineyard Wind that authorizes the harassment of marine mammals incidental to pile driving associated with the Vineyard Wind 1 Offshore Wind Project Phase 2 within the Massachusetts and Rhode Island Wind Energy Area. The authorization is effective October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2025.


Science Blog: An Alaskan Fishing Pioneer, Part 1

Research Vessel Oscar Dyson leaving Dutch Harbor on a cloudy day with calm water.

Tribal Research Coordinator Mabel Baldwin-Schaeffer talks about the Ecosystems and Fisheries Oceanography Coordinated Investigations Fall Mooring cruise’s mission and the legacy of an Alaskan fishing pioneer—after whom the research vessel is named.

West Coast

Stranding Network Helps Young Killer Whale Stranded on Carmel Beach

Network partners work to rescue a stranded killer whale covered in a damp sheet.

Several teams from our stranding network responded to a killer whale stranded on Carmel Beach on the Central California Coast last week. Unfortunately the animal died in transit to a rehabilitation facility in Santa Cruz.

Harbor Seals Consume Up To a Third of Steelhead Migrating Out of Nisqually River Delta

Two hands hold up a steelhead smolt above a bucket of water and ruler

New research indicates that recovering populations of predators—such as harbor seals—can derail salmon and steelhead recovery, especially when fish populations are small and struggling. 

Comparing Killer Whale Cuisine

Southern Resident killer whale preys on a salmon

New research about the diets of two populations of North Pacific resident killer whales can inform conservation strategies for endangered Southern Residents.

Pacific Islands

Hey, Google: Find this New Whale Sound

A Bryde’s whale blowing water out of it's blowhole

We identified that Bryde’s whales are the source of a new whale call in the western North Pacific. Working with Google AI, we used machine learning to sort through thousands of hours of acoustic recordings and identify when and where these calls occur.


Science Blog: An Elegant Start to the Second Round of Surveying for Marine Mammals and Seabirds

Sunrise over calm seas

Join the crew of NOAA Ship Gordon Gunter as they set sail for Leg 2 of the Vessel Survey for Abundance and Distribution on Marine Mammals and Seabirds.

Science Blog: Adding New Species to the Survey Sighting List

Rice's whale and its blow.

Research fishery biologist Carrie Sinclair recounts the various marine mammal sightings made by the crew of NOAA Ship Gordon Gunter in the first week of Leg 2 of the Vessel Survey for Abundance and Distribution on Marine Mammals and Seabirds.

New England/Mid-Atlantic

Sharing Climate Change Knowledge, Inspiring Action in the Chesapeake Bay

Three students in Delaware plant trees on a flat, tilled land with a treeline in the background

Learn how we’re helping teachers and students understand climate change—and take relevant action—in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

St. Croix Fish Passage Projects May Create Largest Alewife Run in North America

Aerial image of a woodland dam in Maine

An international partnership led by the Passamaquoddy Tribe will improve access to 600 miles and 60,000 acres of habitat to alewives and other sea-run fish. The work could result in the return of 80 million adult spawning alewives.

Upcoming Deadlines

September 30: Proposals due for the 2025 Sea Scallop Research Set-Aside Program

October 23: Comments due on proposed rule for 10 species of giant clams under the Endangered Species Act

October 28: Applications due for FY 2025 NOAA Great Lakes Fish Habitat Restoration Partnership grants

October 30: Applications due for the John H. Prescott Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance Grant Program

October 31: Applications due for Species Recovery Grants to States

October 31: Applications due for Species Recovery Grants to Tribes

November 1: Applications due for Bluefin Tuna Research Program

November 4: Proposals due for Citizen Science for Improved Stock Assessments and Climate-Ready Fisheries Management

View more news and announcements

Upcoming Events

September 21: Milford Lab Open House

September 21: 2024 Belugas Count! 

September 23–25: Western Pacific Fishery Management Council Meeting

September 24–26: New England Fishery Management Council Meeting 

October 3–8: North Pacific Fishery Management Council Meeting

October 8–10: Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council Meeting

November 2–3: 2024 Right Whale Festival

View more events

Federal Register Actions

Visit NOAA Fisheries' Rules & Regulations web page to learn more about recently proposed and finalized regulations in your region. 

Questions? Visit our website for national and regional contact information

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