Friday, September 13, 2024

The Franklin County Commission will hold its final public budget hearing next Tuesday

The Franklin County Commission will hold its final public budget hearing next Tuesday and local taxpayers could see some savings by the time it’s done.

The proposed budget is a little over 112.3 million dollars and as it stands, local taxpayers would pay about 18.8 million of that.

That represents a tax increase of 10.7 percent.

But under an agreement reached by the county and cities earlier this month nearly 765 thousand dollars funds the ambulance service could be covered by the county’s one cent health care sales tax.

That would take the burden from property owners and instead spread the cost to residents and visitors who buy anything in Franklin County.

As the budget stands, though, a homeowner with a house valued at $150,000 with a $50,000 homestead exemption would have paid $547 in county taxes this year.

At the proposed 2024 rate, that same homeowner will pay $570 in county taxes.

Overall, there is about 3.1 million dollars in budget increases this year, along with about 1.1 million dollars in budget cuts so far.

It will require one more public hearing before the budget takes effect on October the 1st.

The final public budget hearing next Tuesday, September the 17th at 5:15 in the afternoon at the Franklin County Courthouse Annex in Apalachicola.

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