Monday, December 6, 2010

Franklin County commission meets Tuesday in Apalachicola

The Franklin County Commission will meet tomorrow in Apalachicola.
The commissioners will meet with Meg Baldwin, the executive director of refuge House.
Refuge House provides services to battered women, their children, and sexual assault survivors; it serves 8 counties in North Florida including Franklin, Liberty, and Wakulla.
Chuck Colvert, CEO for Weems Memorial Hospital, is also on the agenda to provide the board with an update of activities at the hospital.
The county commission will also hold 2 public hearings on Tuesday.
One is to consider the 5 year capital improvement schedule and the second is to consider a rule banning the consumption of alcohol on public property.
The county is considering the alcohol ban because of concerns of people drinking and loitering at local boat ramps.
The county commission meeting is open to the public, so if you would like to attend the meeting begins at 9 at the Franklin County Courthouse Annex in Apalachicola. e-mail with comments

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