Thursday, May 19, 2016

Boating accident numbers increased in 2015, but boating fatality numbers fell

The number of boating accidents in Florida was up last year, but the number of boating deaths fell.

52 people were killed in boating accidents in the Sunshine State in 2015, down from seventy people the year before.

That’s still the highest number of any state.  

There were 671 reportable boating accidents in Florida last year – 49 of those accidents led to deaths.

Nationwide, the Coast Guard counted over 4100 accidents that involved 626 deaths, 2,613 injuries and approximately $42 million dollars of damage to property.

The number one cause of boating deaths nationwide was drowning and most could have been avoided if the boater were wearing a life jacket.

Where cause of death was known, 76% of fatal boating accident victims drowned.

Of those, 85% were not wearing a life jacket.

Alcohol and drug use played a role in 17 percent of the boating fatalities.

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