Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Governors meet today to discuss water war

The governors of Florida, Alabama and Georgia are meeting today to try to find an acceptable resolution to the nearly 20 year old battle over water usage from the Apalachicola Chattahoochee Flint River system.

The river system is very important to all three states – The city of Atlanta gets much of its drinking water from the river system, Georgia and Alabama both use the rivers for power generation and for recreation and Florida needs the water to feed the Apalachicola Bay.

The issue became even more important in 2007, when a historic drought made water very scarce. A recent court ruling saying that Atlanta can’t use the river system for drinking water has also brought new relevance to the debate.

The governors have met many times over the past 18 years and have often promised a resolution to the water war. So far that has not happened.

But we will see what happens today.

The governors will meet in Montgomery, Alabama beginning at 1:30 this afternoon.

e-mail manager@oysterradio.com with comments

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