Thursday, March 24, 2011

Franklin County seeks money for boat ramp upgrades

Franklin County is asking for money from the state’s boating improvement trust fund to provide amenities at two local boat ramps.

The board has agreed to ask for funding to build a public restroom at the St. George Island boat ramp.

Alan Pierce said that because the ramp is so popular and so close to oyster harvesting areas that a permanent restroom would be a great environmental benefit.

The board will also seek money to build a dock at the Abercrombie Boat Ramp in Apalachicola.

County commissioner Smokey Parrish said it would be a great benefit to people using the ramp if the county could replace the two finger piers at the site with a 200 foot long linear dock.

 The county will find out if wither project is funded sometime this summer. e-mail with comments

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