Thursday, June 9, 2011

Black bears and brown pelicans will lose their protected status

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission have agreed to keep 40 mammal, fish and reptile species on the states threatened list; another 16 are being removed from the list and 5 others need more study.
Some of the species that will remain on the list include the Atlantic Sturgeon, the Florida bog frog, the Florida Pine Snake and the Wakulla Seaside Sparrow.
A number of bird species that nest in Franklin County will also remain on the threatened list including the American Oystercatcher, The black Skimmer and the Least Tern.
Black bears, however, are coming off the list as are the Alligator Snapping Turtle, the brown pelican and the snowy egret.
The list is part of the new Threatened Species Management System which Florida adopted last year which required the state to perform biological status reviews for 61 species grandfathered on Florida’s threatened and species of special concern lists that had not undergone a review in the past decade.
There will be no change in the status of any of the 16 de-listed species until the state has approved a management plan for each one.
The management-planning process will include participation from the public.
To see the full list of list of threatened species and those being removed from the list, check out the news page at e-mail with comments

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