Monday, June 13, 2011

Franklin County seeks money for new Emergency Management Office

            Franklin County commissioners are hoping this may be the year the county gets money to build a new Emergency Management Office.

The current office at the Apalachicola airport is very old and is also in a flood zone.

The county would like to build a new EOC possibly closer to the center of the county on Highway 65 but the county doesn’t have the money to do the work.

Every year the county applies for state and federal money to do the work – and last year the project was even ranked 1st in the state – but still the money fell through.

But optimism is high that this year the project will be funded – the board agreed to re-apply for the money, they are even using last years grant application with just some changes to the dates.

If it is funded, the grant could provide the county with a million dollars for construction as long as the county can provide a 25 percent match.

County commissioners said they will try to help the process along by informing our legislative delegation of the high ranking so that they can put pressure on the right people to insure that Franklin County gets its money. e-mail with comments

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