Wednesday, July 18, 2012

St. George Island playground after child is injured

The county has closed the playground at the St. George Island public beach after a child was injured there earlier this month.

Commissioner Pinki Jackel said this is the second time a child has been injured at the playground this summer, so now the board is working on a plan to replace the current metal playground with something a bit more kid friendly, possibly made out of wood or PVC.

The metal structure was repaired about two years ago, but the salt air guarantees that it will continue to deteriorate.

County parks director Fonda Davis said there is a playground in a wooden ship motif that would make a good replacement, but it is pricey – coming in at about 28 thousand dollars.

Lois Swoboda, who does insect control in the county, recommended against wood because she says she is seeing an explosion in the venomous brown widow spider population on the island – and that species loves wood.

At this point the board is just trying to figure out how it will pay for new playground equipment.

The county does have a fund of Tourist Development Money that could be used except it has mostly been earmarked for work at the Armory in Apalachicola.

The board did ask its staff to see if it could find up to 20 thousand dollars in the fund to replace the St. George Island playground equipment replaced as soon as possible.

They also agreed to inspect all of the other county owned playgrounds to make sure that they are safe for children. e-mail with comments


Anonymous said...

my kids have played on this playground a thousand times!!! they will be devastated that it is closed!! hope its replaced soon!!!

Anonymous said...

I am assuming this is the park at the lighthouse. This is the only playground I know of on the island. ???

Oyster Radio 100.5 FM said...

Yes - this is the playground at the lighthouse park. And I know the county is working to get everything open as soon as possible.

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