turtle nesting season is in full swing so please help protect these
endangered creatures.
turtles nest on beaches across Franklin County including St. George
Island, St. Vincent Island and Alligator Point.
vast majority of the nests found in Franklin County are from
Loggerhead turtles, though very rarely there are also nests from the
more endangered leatherback turtles.
the public can help in protecting sea turtle nests this summer.
nests look like piles of sand, and they are most easily recognized by
the turtle crawl marks that are left when the female turtle pulls
herself from the Gulf of Mexico to the dune line where most turtle
nests are found.
you should find an unmarked turtle nest this Summer, call the
FWC’s Wildlife Alert Hotline at 1-888-404-FWCC and they will make
sure someone comes out to check and protect the nest.
don’t forget Franklin County is actively enforcing its “Leave No
Trace” ordinance to protect nesting sea turtles and to keep local
beaches looking cleaner.
ordinance bans people from leaving items like tents and beach chairs
on public beaches on St. George Island overnight; items that are left
out can be confiscated by the county and destroyed at the landfill.
you would like to learn more about our sea turtles, then atend one of
the free sea turtle talks at the Apalachicola National Estuarine
Research Reserve this summer.
talks are held on Wednesday afternoons at 2 PM.
Nature Center is at 108 Island Drive in Eastpoint.
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