Tuesday, July 9, 2019

A team of scientists have discovered what they call the largest bloom of seaweed in the world

A team of scientists from the University of South Florida, Florida Atlantic University, and Georgia Institute of Technology have discovered what they call the largest bloom of seaweed in the world.

Using satellite technology, researchers are able to see the seaweed bloom reaching across the Atlantic Ocean from the west coast of Africa to the Gulf of Mexico.

The team reported their findings July 4th issue of the journal Science.

Researchers said the seaweed belt forms seasonally in response to two key nutrient inputs.

In the spring and summer, the Amazon River discharges nutrients to the ocean and those discharges have increased due to expanded deforestation and fertilizer use.

In the winter, a natural upwelling off the West African coast delivers nutrients from deep waters to the ocean surface where the Sargassum grows.

The seaweed is beneficial to marine life in smaller amounts, but too much makes it hard for certain marine species to move and breathe, and when the sargassum dies and sinks to the ocean bottom at large quantities, it can smother corals and seagrasses.

And of course when it washes onto beaches it releases hydrogen sulfide gas and smells like rotten eggs – making a trip to the beach a little less pleasant than it should be.


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