Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Hope the Loggerhead Swims at Gulf Specimen!

Overwhelmed with Hope for Hope!
Hope came into our care on Wednesday, October 20th from St. George Island, FL. St. George Island is currently suffering from a very large red tide event, so we are very positive that Hope's stranding and the algae bloom were related. When she came into our care, she was extremely lethargic, weak, dehydrated and seemed depressed. She is now moved into a larger tank after passing her swim test and breathing strongly! We have given Hope round the clock care and are very proud and grateful for her fighting spirit and the will to regain her strength and return home to the ocean. We are taking her care day-by-day, but we see all the positive signs of recovery.
Since Hope is one of the largest rescues we have had in a while, we decided to make sure we had everything needed for her recovery, so we created an Amazon Wishlist. We have been blessed with so many donations from towels and gauze, to a scale so we will have proper weight of our rescues! We never expected the amount of support we have received, and we are so thankful for it!
Since the red tide is still upon us, and Hope is still recovering, we will be housing her at the aquarium until it is safe for her to be released. She has decided that the only thing she wants to eat are live or frozen scallops, both very expensive (hence the crown). We have set up a GoFundMe fundraiser to help cover the costs of her housing, rehabilitation, food, vitamins, and whatever else she may need. In return for donations $25 or above, we are gifting Gulf Specimen Marine Lab magnets to our donors!

With Hope swimming, breathing and eating...all signs are pointing towards a healthy release in the future!
Lend a Hand!
We are only able to rescue, rehabilitate and return sea turtles to the wild with the support of people like you. Consider making a donation today. All contributions are tax-deductible. Click the button below to donate via PayPal using any major credit or debit card.
Gulf Specimen Marine Lab | (850) 984-5297 | gulfspecimen.org


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