Thursday, September 12, 2024

NOAA Fisheries FishNews—September 12th

FishNews masthead

SEPTEMBER 12, 2024


$4.2 Million Recommended for Great Lakes Habitat Restoration

Aerial view of a construction site for habitat restoration with heavy machinery near a water body Buffalo, New York in the background

NOAA is recommending $4.2 million in Great Lakes Restoration Initiative funding to continue our work restoring important habitat for fisheries in the Great Lakes. The funding will help restore habitat for Great Lakes species by opening river systems to fish passage, reconnecting rivers to their floodplains, and restoring and enhancing river, stream, and wetland habitats.

An Investment Portfolio Approach to Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management

Close up image of schooling fish against blue water background

How are regional fisheries similar to financial portfolios? Scientists from NOAA Fisheries are exploring the use of portfolio optimization techniques in fisheries management. Their research could help reduce risk in fisheries management in the United States.

NOAA Fisheries Denies U.S. Port Privileges to Certain Fishing Vessels from 17 Nations

Two fishing vessels on calm seas with a partly cloudy sunset sky in the background

NOAA Fisheries denied U.S. port privileges  to fishing vessels of 17 nations as a result of negative certification under the High Seas Driftnet Fishing Moratorium Protection Act.


New Model Predicts Where Red King Crab Bycatch Is Likely to Occur in Bering Sea Flatfish Trawl Fisheries

Two hands, one in a blue glove and orange sleeve, holding up three small red king crab

Fishing data coupled with survey data is useful for predicting fall, winter, and spring crab bycatch distribution.

West Coast

Why Can’t Killer Whales Find and Capture Food? The Ocean Is too Noisy

A killer whale jumps out of the water with a large commercial vessel in the background

New research helps explain how vessel noise reduces foraging efficiency and success in West Coast killer whales.

The Elwha River Restoration: A Case Study in Adaptive Management for Salmon Recovery

Underwater closeup of a female Chinook salmon guarding her nest

The Elwha River restoration project offers valuable insights into the complex ecological processes involved in dam removal and river recovery.

Intern Spotlight: Students Develop Model to Focus Salmon Restoration Funds Where they Will Make the Greatest Difference for Killer Whales

Four interns pose together. From left to right: Raymond (Ray) Hunter, Meghan Roberts, Logan Ruggles, Lars Nelson

Interns are studying the cost-effectiveness of habitat restoration methods to support Chinook salmon recovery. They found that floodplain restoration offers the best bang for the buck.

Pacific Islands

NOAA Names Sarah Malloy to Lead Fisheries’ Pacific Islands Region

Sarah Malloy smiles wearing a blue patterned shirt. The image has two dark blue borders on either side.

Sarah Malloy was selected as the Regional Administrator for NOAA Fisheries’ Pacific Islands Regional Office. She brings more than 25 years of experience in natural resource management and policymaking to the job.


North Carolina Oyster Restoration Project Trains the Next Generation of Marine Scientists

Ten people pose in a semi-circle in an estuary at the Pine Knoll Shores Aquarium on an overcast day

With support from NOAA, the North Carolina Coastal Federation is funding research opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students. They will study the benefits of oyster reef restoration and other marine science topics.

Meet Graduate Student Rebecca Ruiz, Who Uses Sound to See Underwater

Rebecca Ruiz poses underwater in scuba diving gear giving a "rock on" hand gesture

Rebecca Ruiz is a graduate student at North Carolina State University’s Center for Marine Sciences and Technology. She is using novel technology and artificial intelligence to investigate the benefits provided by oyster reefs restored by the North Carolina Coastal Federation in Pamlico Sound.

Meet Undergraduate Fellow Amin Neal, Who Uses Coding to Support Marine Conservation Efforts

Amin Neal takes a selfie with Dr. Carol Price (middle), and fellow CMAST student Iileyah Braxton (right) in a wetland

Amin Neal recently completed a 10-week undergraduate research fellowship at North Carolina State University’s Center for Marine Sciences and Technology. The rising sophomore spent the summer generating code to track the movements of sand tiger sharks.

Meet Graduate Student Lauren Johnson and Her Mentor, Dr. Carressa Gerald, Advocates for Oysters

Lauren Johnson, far right, and other students pose on a beach holding up marine life specimens they found on an field visit.

Lauren Johnson attended three of Dr. Gerald’s field trips as an undergraduate and will soon begin her graduate studies at North Carolina Central University. She will examine the types of contaminants impacting local oyster populations.

Under Pressure to Restore Deep-Sea Corals

Screenshot from C-Innovation, a remotely-operated vehicle showing the ocean floor with divers in the background

NOAA Fisheries and partners conducted a saturation diving mission deep in the Gulf of Mexico to advance our coral restoration efforts. Throughout the mission, the pressure was on in more ways than one—literally and competitively.

New England/Mid-Atlantic

Coastal Marsh Restoration in the Mid-Atlantic: Aligning Habitat Objectives to Maximize Project Benefits

Aerial view of a vibrant green tidal marsh

In collaboration with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, NOAA Fisheries developed a guidance document to support the development of coastal marsh restoration projects in the Mid-Atlantic region.

Upcoming Deadlines

September 17: Applications due for Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Programs Phase I

September 30: Proposals due for the 2025 Sea Scallop Research Set-Aside Program

October 23: Comments due on proposed rule for 10 species of giant clams under the Endangered Species Act

October 28: Applications due for FY 2025 NOAA Great Lakes Fish Habitat Restoration Partnership grants

October 30: Applications due for the John H. Prescott Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance Grant Program

October 31: Applications due for Species Recovery Grants to Tribes

November 1: Applications due for Bluefin Tuna Research Program

November 4: Proposals due for Citizen Science for Improved Stock Assessments and Climate-Ready Fisheries Management

View more news and announcements

Upcoming Events

September 16–20: South Atlantic Fishery Management Council September 2024 Meeting

September 18–24: Pacific Fishery Management Council September 2024 Meeting

September 21: Milford Lab Open House

September 21: 2024 Belugas Count! 

September 23–25: Western Pacific Fishery Management Council September 2024 Meeting

September 24–26: New England Fishery Management Council September 2024 Meeting

October 3–8: North Pacific Fishery Management Council October 2024 Meeting

October 8–10: Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council October 2024 Meeting

View more events

Federal Register Actions

Visit NOAA Fisheries' Rules & Regulations web page to learn more about recently proposed and finalized regulations in your region.

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